Tuesday, 24 June 2008

The Training Blog for Teachers at the British Council Rome

Hello everybody.

This Blog is for you. It aims to publicise all the training that is now, ever has been, or ever will be, at the British Council Rome and beyond.

You provide the content, references and links. We look at it - and marvel!

The rest is up to you.

More soon!


Alison D said...

Thanks for setting this up Mike. I like the pictures at the top.

Rosalind said...

For those who want to do the Promethean training programme, I believe the procedure is to get into the site: www.Prometheanlearning.com. Then you have to set up a new account (possibly using your BC username and password). Under name, put the name you want on the certificate that you'll get when you pass at the end.

Doing the whole course in one go should take about three hours. You have to answer every question correctly in the test in order to pass.

Michael said...

Hi Rosalind. I think you can set up your own account on Promethean. However if you want to go any further than the Activstudio Foundation Skills course, then you should contact a member of the Promethean staff.

Our learned colleague Phil has already done this and is now the proud holder of an ActivStudio Advanced Skills Certificate.